
Friday, April 8, 2011

The Religious Right

Today there was a man at my school passing out Bible's and telling Muslims how evil they are and homosexuals they're an abomination, you know normal Religious Right stuff.  I grew up in a family that was apart of the religious right, but fortunately I figured out that there's no way the Earth is 6,000 years old when I was like 10 and if that's a lie then its not infallible and therefore can't be written by God.  Yep, I figured it out at 10, yet half the country still believes its true. Anyways, since I grew up like I did, these kind of people hit a nerve in me and I always get fired up.  I can't tell you the countless days I've spent researching astronomy, biology, evolution, and other creation-busting topics for the chance to demoralize one of these people.  In my opinion, making political decisions based on a religion is one of the most irresponsible, arrogant things a person could do.  Needless to say, this guy got me going.

What I really came on here to talk about though was how sick I am of being grouped with the Religious Right.  That's right, not all Republicans are bat-shit crazy Christians who think Boy George has a future full of fire in front of him, at least not after he dies lol.  But seriously, some of us just believe in responsible, accountable government, conservative fiscal policy, and supply-side economics.  Liberals actually like me more than the Religious Right does; once they hear I support gay marriage and not the water-into-wine guy, they gain a lot of respect.  The religious folk, on the other hand, only hear "blah blah blah I'm going to burn in hell", and treat me as such.  Some how they just can't fathom a Republican who doesn't whack-off to un-bearded Jesus pictures.  I honestly get more upset when people think I'm a religious bigot from the Religious Right than when they assume I'm a democrat because I could care less whether a man who loves another man more than most women love their husbands get hitch.  Why should I care? Not my life to live, its theirs.  Okay, I'm done with my rant. 


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