
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Democrats make me sick.

Applaud Harry Reid for setting a new record for hypocrisy, lies, and setting a new low for knucklefuck politicians. The Senate Majority leader, who lives in a penthouse atop the Four Seasons as one of the wealthiest people in America, showed his decades of progressive-conditioning by standing on the Senate floor bashing Republicans for not wearing the names of their "billionaire sponsors" like his sexual fantasy the Koch Brothers, while Democrats are there to serve "the people" (by taking their entire incomes to redistribute to cronies and to buy votes). This is the biggest load of shit I've ever heard. Reid sucks Tom Steyer's, Warren Buffett's, all of Hollywood's, George Soros', and Bill Gates Kochs until they blow wades of money at him to buy political favors from his Four Seasons penthouse. Reid even accepted money from the Koch's himself! The vast majority of the rich are Demonrats, all the richest Congressman are Demonrats, Obama set records for fundraising driven by billionaires, and Demonrats take in far more dirty billionaire money than Republicans possibly could, mostly because Demonrats have no principles, morals, or spine and therefore are much easier to buy for rich folk looking to purchase a Senator. Democrats are only too happy to be bought; it's not about America or the people to  Demonrats, it's about amassing personal fortune, power and control. Want to know what a Demonrat is really planning to do? Listen to what they say and accuse Republicans of: it's always the opposite of what they say they're going to do, and ironically exactly what they accuse Republicans of.

Next time a progressive tries to pull that benevolence bullshit remind them that their Demonrat party is by the rich, for the rich and of the rich.  The depravity, hypocrisy, lies, immortality, deranged, incompetence, delusion, despicable character of the left/progressives/libtards/Demonrats knows no bounds. Progressivism is a mental disease, and the only white house they should see is the padded walls in their cells at the asylum for the criminally insane. It's long past time to throw progressives in prison for the damage they've done and lives they've taken in their quest for power & control.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

It's Time For The Right to Stop Predicting Economic Doom

This is a pet peeve of mine.  For the last several years, people on the Right from Commentators to average folk have been predicting an imminent economic collapse.  While I agree that the Obama Administration and the Fed have done a great job of fucking up this economy & the recovery in particular, the risk of total economic collapse at any time now is very slim.  To keep claiming that it will collapse every year, for the past 4 years, is doing nothing but advancing the stereotype that Conservatives are nuts and hurts what chance we have to get Conservatives elected and the economy rolling again.

I'll keep this brief, but let me make my case.  The main reason I believe that the economic collapse myth is utter nonsense is because the underlying fundamentals of the economy are relatively strong.  Company balance sheets are strong, profits & revenues are high, corporate & personal debt have decreased significantly, sales are robust, and the U.S. still makes the most innovative, high-quality products in the world.  That innovation & technological lead gives us a monster competitive advantage, as does being home to most of the world's largest and most important companies, so while threatened by government's over-regulation & taxation, we still have a very strong foundation on which to build.

Compared to the state of the rest of the world - European recession & debt, Asian stagflation, & the rest of the world being unstable & undeveloped - the U.S. is by far the safest, smartest world economy for foreign investment.  We've seen it for several years now; foreign government and companies are all pouring money & investment into the U.S. because of the strong foundation on which our economy is built and the potential for future growth through continued technological innovation.  Frankly, the U.S. economy may be bad, but the rest of the world is on much, much shakier ground with far less growth potential.

That growth potential gives us bright prospects for long-term economic health.  Companies, and the economy by extension, is just waiting to be unleashed.  Companies have record amounts of cash on hand and have been on an investment & hiring freeze since Obama became President, and are just waiting for a decent political climate to unleash the growth engine of the economy: private sector investment.  Combine that with huge new developments in oil & natural gas, the economy is poised to explode.

The issues holding the economy back are all self-inflicted.  Stifling regulations, billions in new taxes, and massive uncertainty are killing the growth potential pent up in our economy.  Obama's purposeful destruction of the coal industry, war on fossil fuels/affordable energy, tax, tax, tax & spend us into debt oblivion, crony capitalism, Obamacare, and just general war on business are keeping our economy from seeing the explosive growth of past recessions.  Once we elect pro-business, pro-job, pro-growth politicians the economy will take off like it has in every other recession (save the Great Depression, exacerbated & prolonged by FDR in very much the same way as Obama has the Great Recession).

There are certainly large risks to the economy, but almost all are self-imposed by the government.  The main risk, and the one in which most others derive, is QE infinity.  The Fed's QE has created asset-bubbles in the stock market in particular, and on most risky investments in general, as well as bonds.  By keeping interest rates artificially low, QE has pushed investors into riskier investments such as stocks, REITs, and lower-grade corporate & municipal bonds, which has raised the prices for these assets without a corresponding growth in GDP or the underlying economic value of the assets.  The artificially low interest rates also have created a huge risk of an interest rate spike, causing the trillions of government bonds being bought to be all but worthless, killing the housing recovery, and making debt, private & public, far more expensive.  This would reverse most of the small recovery gained so far and cause financial turmoil, but the underlying companies still remain strong and the risk of an interest rate spike is manageable, if taken on in time and honestly.  Inflation is also a risk, but not nearly as serious a risk as the others I've mentioned and barring hyper-inflation will do far less damage.

Rather than talk about the coming economic collapse and resulting doom, we should be explaining why this economy is so sluggish, how Liberal economic policy is making the problem much worse & holding recovery back and how pro-growth, Conservative policies can unleash the private sector to do what it does best: create wealth & jobs.  Preaching economic catastrophe will do nothing but hurt the Conservative cause, it's time that we recognize the true problems & risks, their cause (Progressive/Liberal/Democrat policy), and present Conservative solutions that ACTUALLY WORK!

Liberal Logic: Week 1

I've decided to start writing again because the shit going on in Washington is reaching new heights of ridiculousness.  With that in mind, I've decided to start a new weekly column entitled "Liberal Logic"; every week I will discuss the most egregious examples of Liberal/Progressive bullshit and break down how it fits into the warped (il)logic in the collective (and individual) minds of the Left.  It is my hope that this column will not only expose the self-delusional "lala"-land that the Left inhabits but provide some good ol' fashioned light-hearted laughs to what is increasingly becoming an enraging political climate in America.

While this column is clearly intended for the enjoyment of my Conservative brothers, I wholeheartedly invite Independent, Liberal, and uninformed Americans to read through it as well.  It is my dream that a few Libs will stumble onto this site, read this column, and recognize just how fucking stupid, hypocritical, disingenuous and delusional the Left can be, and that it will help open the eyes of the undecided, independent, and/or uninformed to the inconsistent pandering of Liberal politicians.  I welcome one and all to the distorted, dishonest thinking & actions of Progressive politicians!

So lets get to the fun part.  There were many great examples of Liberal Logic this week - Obama/Carney's debt ceiling hypocrisy & lies, and the Left's Obamacare bullshit.  Since the most egregious is the debt ceiling debate lets start there:

On Friday Republicans passed a Continuing Resolution to keep funding this Liberal-spending madness tied to Defunding Obamacare (halleluiah!), which threatens to defund the government ("shut down" in Democrat fear-mongering) if the Senate & President don't agree to defund Obamacare, delaying the most brutal provisions of the law.  In response Obama, his administration, and his limp-dick lapdogs in the media shit a brick and have come up with all sorts of shit about funding the government & raising the debt ceiling, which they desperately want raised so they can keep buying votes, oops propping up the economy, crap I mean "providing the essential services Americans rely on" and "keep the recovery & job growth going".

My personal favorite is Obama's blatant hypocrisy (like we expect anything less); way back in the G Dubya(Grade A American Badass) days, Obama called raising the debt ceiling "irresponsible", a "lack of leadership" and a burden on our burden to our children & grandchildren.  You'll remember he said similar crap while campaigning for president in 2008 about G.W.B.'s debt before piling on more in 4 years than Bush did in 8.  Similar story here; now Obama is demonizing Republicans for threatening to not raise the debt ceiling with claims of irresponsibility and fear-mongering with threats of default.  Apparently when a Republican wanted to raise the debt-ceiling it's a lack of leadership, but when Obama wants to do it we'd be irresponsible and actively trying to destroy the "recovery" by NOT raising the debt ceiling.

To follow that up, Obama then comes out and claims that never before 2011 in history has a political party threatened to shut down the government to win a political/ideological battle.  That claim was such fucking bullshit that even the flamingly Liberal Washington Post gave it four, count 'em 4 Pinnochio's for the blatant lie that Obama's statement was.  That article shredded Obama's claims with many, many examples of not only one party threatening to shut down the government on both sides of the isle, but many times that it actually WAS shut down, including EVERY YEAR OF THE CARTER PRESIDENCY, something like 3-4 times during the Regan Presidency and the most recent example of the early Clinton Presidency! In fact, this happened during all administrations from the mid-70's until G.W. became president.

Of course, these guys are Progressives and therefore would rather lie like a cheap whore than admit to being wrong, so in true Liberal fashion Jay Carney, Obama's little bitch Press Secretary, during a Press Conference kept the lie going during when confronted by Fox News' White House Correspondent with the Washington Post story, claiming that Obama's statement was "absolutely accurate", but played word-tricks like a true prostitute by changing "shut down" to "default", so that 2011 was the first time a party threatened a government default!  He then proceeded to repeat this lie ad nauseum.

Earlier in the week Obama showed his Liberal Logical-skills again by claiming that "there is no serious evidence that the Affordable Care Act(Obamacare) has hurt the economy" or raised insurance prices or some bullshit, ala Paul Krugmann's NYT piece about "only good news on Obamacare".  It's shocking how these fucks can lie through their teeth despite the mountain of evidence that refutes their bullshit.  As if the hundreds of stories of premiums shooting through the roof, the hundreds of thousands of people who have lost their employer-provided health insurance, 75%+ of "new jobs" gained this year being part-time, the hundreds of thousands of full & part-timers being cut to 28 hrs. per week, the 40% of employers that have frozen hiring and 19% who have reduced staff as a result of Obamacare, and the consistent 55-60% disapproval ratings weren't enough "serious evidence", the government's auditors, actuaries, & budgeters came out this week and said that Obamacare will cost over 3 times what Obama initially promised, around $800 Billion over the next 10 years and that healthcare costs are set to rise 6.4% after Obamacare becomes effective, compared with 4.5% without Obamacare!  To come out and claim that there is no "serious evidence" of economic harm is nothing but a bald faced, blatant fucking lie.

How anybody believes these hacks is a giant mystery.  However, there's always a good 40-50% of the population that lives within their delusion and is happy to lie to achieve whatever it is they want.  Obviously the politicians and die-hard ideologues will do whatever it takes, even as far as lying to deny the clearest of facts, to get what they want: more control.  If they have to lie to the people to get their way, deceiving them into supporting their positions, then so be it.  They truly believe that the ends justify the means, that the people don't know what's in their own best interests and must be lied to if it means achieving their goals, even if in reality it hurts those same people they claim to be helping.

Then there's the "useful idiots" - those who will believe what the politicians and media say just because they're in the same party.  This group makes up the vast majority of the voting Left.  They believe that anything Republicans do is evil, and every good intentioned Liberal therefore must be supported, evidence be damned.  Results, facts, & logic are not important to these people and the politicians and media know it, so they just repeat lies ad nauseum for the "useful idiots" to suck in and repeat without question.  Since they never question whether their leaders are right or not (because they have good intentions and Republicans are evil), they will blindly follow no matter what.

It's time the Right starts fighting back and calling out the Left on their bullshit.  Every single chance you get, make sure you correct a Liberal or tell someone that what they're saying is bullshit, then show them the real facts.  The Right has become soft since G.W. and has let the Left just walk all over them by saying whatever they want without question.  Since the media sucks Progressive dick, it's up to us to expose the bullshit and educate the people.  Liberal Logic says that anything goes if it promotes the cause, and only they know what's best.  It says that lying to the people, denying facts, fear-mongering, personal attacks, and using fake, exaggerated poor sob stories is justified if it advances the Left's cause.  It's about time we fight back.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Romney Taking Heat Over Auto Bailouts

Throughout the media Mitt Romney has taken heat for his position on the auto-industry bailouts.  Voters are noticing, too, as recent polls show that Santorum has taken the lead in the state.  It comes at a particularly bad time as the Michigan primary is just weeks away.
Earlier this week, Mitt Romney penned an op-ed in the Detroit News criticizing the 2009 bailout of Detroit’s Big Three automakers.  In it, he stands by his position at the time of letting the companies go through a managed bankruptcy, which was eventually done by Obama, and touts his Michigan roots as the son of former American Motor Company and Michigan Governor George Romney.  Romney goes on to blast Obama, calling the bailout and subsequent caving to union demands “crony capitalism on a grand scale”.
In some respects, he is right.  How Obama and the bankruptcy courts got away with nationalizing and handing GM and Chrysler over to the United Auto Workers union is beyond me.  If that weren’t enough, Chrysler’s “secured creditors” were completely thrown under the bus, while the UAW got an ownership share of the new company.  Given the President’s track record with unions, such as the Boeing move and NLRB, it shouldn’t be much of a shock, but how the court-system let it pass is a mystery.
Romney may have been trying to blast the President for crony capitalism, but he made a grave mistake by criticizing the auto-industry to Michiganders (me included).  Since writing the piece, media outlets from both sides of the aisle have taken swings at Mitt.  Newsmax ran a story called “Detroit to Romney: Get Real on Auto Bailout“, while theHuffington Post declares that “Romney’s stance on the auto bailouts doesn’t reflect local feelings on the economy”.  Even CNN commentator LZ Granderson, a Detroit native, said that Romney’s “not family. Not anymore”.
Voters in Michigan seem to agree with the media; in recent polls, Romney’s numbers have tanked, while Santorum continues to rise.  Both still trail Obama head-to-head, but in a historically Democratic state, a win for the socially conservative Pennsylvania Senator would be a big blow to Romney’s campaign.  But why are they so upset?
Its pretty simple: Michigan’s economy lives and dies with the auto industry.  There is strong union support, mostly because virtually everyone has a family member in one, and even stronger support for the Big Three.  So when Obama swooped in to save the auto-industry, he virtually bought a large chunk of voters.  Not only that, but those same companies that were hemorrhaging money and shedding jobs before the bailout are now hiring workers and adding shifts.  People in Michigan see this and credit Obama, whether right or wrong, with saving the auto-industry, Michigan’s economy, and thus their jobs and livelihood.  To Michigan voters, it was a personal attack.
I predict a hardy Santorum win on February 28th

Republicans should capitalize on Obama's budget to nowhere

Class warfare has become a central theme of the Obama campaign.  In his 2013 budget released earlier this week, President Obama proposed major tax hikes on the wealthiest Americans – those making $200,000 per year or families making over $250,000.  Indeed, the “debt reduction” that the president claims is dependent largely on these tax increases alone. Class warfare and raising taxes on the rich may be beneficial to his political campaign, but it is bad for the economy as it merely redistributes wealth, not create it.  The Republican nominee needs to be committed to capitalism and battle the President’s class warfare, big government, Keynesianeconomic rhetoric using free-market principles, stressing economic growth, job creation, and wealth creation through lower taxes, less regulation, and smaller government.  Despite what the President claims, his budget does not promote growth and has the potential to be a weak spot that Republicans can capitalize on.
Included in the President’s proposal is around $1.5 trillion in new revenue coming from tax hikes on the wealthy and corporations.  These tax raises take various forms; a 9% raise in capital gains tax rates, the dividends rate jumps 25% from 15-40%, the carried interest tax on investment partnerships rise from 15 to 39.6%, and the estate tax rises to 40%.  In addition, the budget calls for allowing the Bush-era tax cuts to expire, raising the top-level income tax rates to 39.6%.  Then there’s the new “WarrenBuffet Rule“, which requires all those making more than $1 million per year pay at least 30% of their gross income in taxes.
English: President Barack Obama signs the Tax ...
Obama signing The Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010
Perhaps the most damning, however, is the tax hike on businesses; Obama has yet toannounce his new corporate tax rates, but included in the budget is a “financial crisis responsibility fee” on large banks that amounts to $61 billion, taxing energy companies $30 billion over a decade by ending tax cuts, $148 billion in new taxes on multinational corporations, and another $87 billion by changing how businesses value their inventory.
In all, that amounts to an estimated $1.5 trillion, or $1.9 trillion according to Paul Ryan, dollars in new tax revenues.  Somehow Democrats think that by taxing businesses and the rich and spending it on social programs, infrastructure projects, and newgovernment jobs that it will help boost the economy and speed up the recovery.  Obama says that if everyone pays “their fair share”, middle and lower-income people will benefit, its assumed from expanded social programs or new job creation.
The problem is that Obama is dead wrong.  First, this class warfare “fair share” rhetoric is disingenuous at best.  The wealthy that will be hit by his tax hikes already pay roughly 40% of all income taxes and 25% of total taxes. An astonishing 70% of all income taxes come from only the top 10%.  In fact, 79 million Americans, or a stunning 46.5% of Americans pay absolutely ZERO taxes, roughly 50% paid no federal income taxes, and 30% actually had a net income from the government.  This is likely to continue since, contrary to the administration’s unemployment rates, the percentage of the population currently employed is the lowest its been in decades, around 63%.  Obama must have a different definition of fair than the rest of us, because 10% of the population paying 70% of the income taxes and 50% completely carrying the other half seems pretty unfair to me.
It isn’t the top tax payers or corporations that get hurt when corporate and business taxes are raised, however, but its the common, everyday, middle-class individuals that get hurt the most.  It might be nice to imagine a corporation taking out the extra money from increased tax rates from its profits or revenue, but in reality those taxes are passed on to consumers, employees, and shareholders.  Corporations will raise prices on consumers to make up the profit they lost to taxes, making everyone pay more for the same products.    In an effort to ease the price hikes, some of the taxes will be at the expense of employees as the business isn’t able to pay their salaries, asking for concessions, lay-offs, and putting a freeze on new hires.  Finally, the shareholders, which includes employees and anyone else who has the corporation’s stock in their 401k, pension, or IRA, are hit by lower dividends, capital gains, and value.
Income Tax rates by Country based on OECD 2005...
Graph showing corporate income tax rates as a percentage of income in industrialized nations. The U.S. comes a close second to Japan
Second, raising tax rates on individuals and businesses are not going to promote growth but do the opposite; both harm economic growth.  That $1.5 trillion isn’t going to come from nowhere; its money that would otherwise be invested back into the economy.  Sure, the government will spend some of that money on stimulus-style projects such as infrastructure projects, healthcare, and welfare programs, but it has been proven time and time again that the private sector is far more efficient and productive at investing money than government.  In reality, Obama is actually removing money from the economy, which obviously decreases money available for growth, and moves it to another sector of the government’s choosing, such as “green” energy (see Solyndra). No new wealth is being created, no new jobs, new investment, nor new growth.  It is merely redistributing the money, and as this administration has obviously shown, government knows best (hint of sarcasm).  Less money in the hands of individuals and businesses means less demand for goods and services, investment and slower growth.
Not only will the higher tax rates remove money from the economy, but it will discourage new investment, entrepreneurship, and risk-taking, with similar results.  Investors will be discouraged because there is less money to be made.  Taking risks would be less profitable, and thus less attractive, as the government takes an ever larger and larger share of the profits made on investment.  Entrepreneurs would be less able to obtain capital, and those that could may be discouraged from doing so because it would be less profitable as a result of the higher taxes.  It would become smarter and more profitable for both businesses and people to save their money rather than reinvest it into the economy.   All lead to less job creation, less innovation, and less investment.  Or put simply: less growth.
English: A non-symmetric Laffer Curve with a m...
An example of the Laffer Curve with a 70% maximum rate.
Finally, higher tax rates could translate into lower tax receipts.  It’s whats known as theLaffer Curve, and it shows how progressively higher tax rates eventually translate into lower tax revenue.  The most basic reason behind the Laffer Curveis that after a certain point, increasing gross income reduces net income, or making more money becomes less profitable as the government takes an ever larger share.  This eliminates the incentive to working harder, expand business, increase production, or invest.  Corporations and wealthy individuals would also actively seek ways to pay lower taxes on their income and savings.  Some will horde their money in savings accounts, while others will invest in products with no dividends or invest in Roth IRAs, Exchange Traded Funds (ETF), or long-term positions to avoid the capital gains taxes.  Others would move their money, corporations, or investments in off-shore tax havens.  The result is capital flight, where investors move their money to foreign investments, as happened in France before it enacted its wealth tax.  On the state level, and possibly national and international, corporations and individuals may leave entirely, taking their tax revenue with them.  Detroit is a prime example; over the past 30 years as the middle-class and wealthy people left the city the tax-base disappeared and revenue plummeted.  Today Detroit is facing a severe debt crisis and possible takeover by a state-appointed Emergency Financial Manager.
In the end, all the Democrats and President Obama are doing by raising taxes is moving money from one or many sectors to another.  No new wealth is being created, nor is the economy growing.  The tax money used on infrastructure and healthcare would have been spent, probably more wisely, by the private sector on investment, jobs, and growth.  Had that money remained in the private sector it would have been more productive and resulted in more economic growth because of government inefficiency, waste and corruption.  Less capital in the economy and private sector means less investment, expansion, demand, and jobs. What the U.S. needs is wealth creation and economic growth, and that is achieved through free-market economic principles, lower taxes, and less regulation.

Santorum leads Romney in Michigan polls; Obama beating both

Santorum leads Romney in Michigan polls; Obama beating both