
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Democrats make me sick.

Applaud Harry Reid for setting a new record for hypocrisy, lies, and setting a new low for knucklefuck politicians. The Senate Majority leader, who lives in a penthouse atop the Four Seasons as one of the wealthiest people in America, showed his decades of progressive-conditioning by standing on the Senate floor bashing Republicans for not wearing the names of their "billionaire sponsors" like his sexual fantasy the Koch Brothers, while Democrats are there to serve "the people" (by taking their entire incomes to redistribute to cronies and to buy votes). This is the biggest load of shit I've ever heard. Reid sucks Tom Steyer's, Warren Buffett's, all of Hollywood's, George Soros', and Bill Gates Kochs until they blow wades of money at him to buy political favors from his Four Seasons penthouse. Reid even accepted money from the Koch's himself! The vast majority of the rich are Demonrats, all the richest Congressman are Demonrats, Obama set records for fundraising driven by billionaires, and Demonrats take in far more dirty billionaire money than Republicans possibly could, mostly because Demonrats have no principles, morals, or spine and therefore are much easier to buy for rich folk looking to purchase a Senator. Democrats are only too happy to be bought; it's not about America or the people to  Demonrats, it's about amassing personal fortune, power and control. Want to know what a Demonrat is really planning to do? Listen to what they say and accuse Republicans of: it's always the opposite of what they say they're going to do, and ironically exactly what they accuse Republicans of.

Next time a progressive tries to pull that benevolence bullshit remind them that their Demonrat party is by the rich, for the rich and of the rich.  The depravity, hypocrisy, lies, immortality, deranged, incompetence, delusion, despicable character of the left/progressives/libtards/Demonrats knows no bounds. Progressivism is a mental disease, and the only white house they should see is the padded walls in their cells at the asylum for the criminally insane. It's long past time to throw progressives in prison for the damage they've done and lives they've taken in their quest for power & control.

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