
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Liberal Logic: Week 1

I've decided to start writing again because the shit going on in Washington is reaching new heights of ridiculousness.  With that in mind, I've decided to start a new weekly column entitled "Liberal Logic"; every week I will discuss the most egregious examples of Liberal/Progressive bullshit and break down how it fits into the warped (il)logic in the collective (and individual) minds of the Left.  It is my hope that this column will not only expose the self-delusional "lala"-land that the Left inhabits but provide some good ol' fashioned light-hearted laughs to what is increasingly becoming an enraging political climate in America.

While this column is clearly intended for the enjoyment of my Conservative brothers, I wholeheartedly invite Independent, Liberal, and uninformed Americans to read through it as well.  It is my dream that a few Libs will stumble onto this site, read this column, and recognize just how fucking stupid, hypocritical, disingenuous and delusional the Left can be, and that it will help open the eyes of the undecided, independent, and/or uninformed to the inconsistent pandering of Liberal politicians.  I welcome one and all to the distorted, dishonest thinking & actions of Progressive politicians!

So lets get to the fun part.  There were many great examples of Liberal Logic this week - Obama/Carney's debt ceiling hypocrisy & lies, and the Left's Obamacare bullshit.  Since the most egregious is the debt ceiling debate lets start there:

On Friday Republicans passed a Continuing Resolution to keep funding this Liberal-spending madness tied to Defunding Obamacare (halleluiah!), which threatens to defund the government ("shut down" in Democrat fear-mongering) if the Senate & President don't agree to defund Obamacare, delaying the most brutal provisions of the law.  In response Obama, his administration, and his limp-dick lapdogs in the media shit a brick and have come up with all sorts of shit about funding the government & raising the debt ceiling, which they desperately want raised so they can keep buying votes, oops propping up the economy, crap I mean "providing the essential services Americans rely on" and "keep the recovery & job growth going".

My personal favorite is Obama's blatant hypocrisy (like we expect anything less); way back in the G Dubya(Grade A American Badass) days, Obama called raising the debt ceiling "irresponsible", a "lack of leadership" and a burden on our burden to our children & grandchildren.  You'll remember he said similar crap while campaigning for president in 2008 about G.W.B.'s debt before piling on more in 4 years than Bush did in 8.  Similar story here; now Obama is demonizing Republicans for threatening to not raise the debt ceiling with claims of irresponsibility and fear-mongering with threats of default.  Apparently when a Republican wanted to raise the debt-ceiling it's a lack of leadership, but when Obama wants to do it we'd be irresponsible and actively trying to destroy the "recovery" by NOT raising the debt ceiling.

To follow that up, Obama then comes out and claims that never before 2011 in history has a political party threatened to shut down the government to win a political/ideological battle.  That claim was such fucking bullshit that even the flamingly Liberal Washington Post gave it four, count 'em 4 Pinnochio's for the blatant lie that Obama's statement was.  That article shredded Obama's claims with many, many examples of not only one party threatening to shut down the government on both sides of the isle, but many times that it actually WAS shut down, including EVERY YEAR OF THE CARTER PRESIDENCY, something like 3-4 times during the Regan Presidency and the most recent example of the early Clinton Presidency! In fact, this happened during all administrations from the mid-70's until G.W. became president.

Of course, these guys are Progressives and therefore would rather lie like a cheap whore than admit to being wrong, so in true Liberal fashion Jay Carney, Obama's little bitch Press Secretary, during a Press Conference kept the lie going during when confronted by Fox News' White House Correspondent with the Washington Post story, claiming that Obama's statement was "absolutely accurate", but played word-tricks like a true prostitute by changing "shut down" to "default", so that 2011 was the first time a party threatened a government default!  He then proceeded to repeat this lie ad nauseum.

Earlier in the week Obama showed his Liberal Logical-skills again by claiming that "there is no serious evidence that the Affordable Care Act(Obamacare) has hurt the economy" or raised insurance prices or some bullshit, ala Paul Krugmann's NYT piece about "only good news on Obamacare".  It's shocking how these fucks can lie through their teeth despite the mountain of evidence that refutes their bullshit.  As if the hundreds of stories of premiums shooting through the roof, the hundreds of thousands of people who have lost their employer-provided health insurance, 75%+ of "new jobs" gained this year being part-time, the hundreds of thousands of full & part-timers being cut to 28 hrs. per week, the 40% of employers that have frozen hiring and 19% who have reduced staff as a result of Obamacare, and the consistent 55-60% disapproval ratings weren't enough "serious evidence", the government's auditors, actuaries, & budgeters came out this week and said that Obamacare will cost over 3 times what Obama initially promised, around $800 Billion over the next 10 years and that healthcare costs are set to rise 6.4% after Obamacare becomes effective, compared with 4.5% without Obamacare!  To come out and claim that there is no "serious evidence" of economic harm is nothing but a bald faced, blatant fucking lie.

How anybody believes these hacks is a giant mystery.  However, there's always a good 40-50% of the population that lives within their delusion and is happy to lie to achieve whatever it is they want.  Obviously the politicians and die-hard ideologues will do whatever it takes, even as far as lying to deny the clearest of facts, to get what they want: more control.  If they have to lie to the people to get their way, deceiving them into supporting their positions, then so be it.  They truly believe that the ends justify the means, that the people don't know what's in their own best interests and must be lied to if it means achieving their goals, even if in reality it hurts those same people they claim to be helping.

Then there's the "useful idiots" - those who will believe what the politicians and media say just because they're in the same party.  This group makes up the vast majority of the voting Left.  They believe that anything Republicans do is evil, and every good intentioned Liberal therefore must be supported, evidence be damned.  Results, facts, & logic are not important to these people and the politicians and media know it, so they just repeat lies ad nauseum for the "useful idiots" to suck in and repeat without question.  Since they never question whether their leaders are right or not (because they have good intentions and Republicans are evil), they will blindly follow no matter what.

It's time the Right starts fighting back and calling out the Left on their bullshit.  Every single chance you get, make sure you correct a Liberal or tell someone that what they're saying is bullshit, then show them the real facts.  The Right has become soft since G.W. and has let the Left just walk all over them by saying whatever they want without question.  Since the media sucks Progressive dick, it's up to us to expose the bullshit and educate the people.  Liberal Logic says that anything goes if it promotes the cause, and only they know what's best.  It says that lying to the people, denying facts, fear-mongering, personal attacks, and using fake, exaggerated poor sob stories is justified if it advances the Left's cause.  It's about time we fight back.

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