
Friday, October 21, 2011

Why Marxism doesn't work

Watching This video makes me realize just how unrealistic Marxism is.  Its not that Marxist are bad people, I fully believe that they truly have the people's best interests at heart, particularly poor people.  However, the Marxist version of reality, in my opinion, is wrong. That's why Stalinist/Leninist Soviet Union and Maoist China ended up the way they did.  In theory Marxism is great, in reality however it could never work, and this video proves why.

1. Their insistence on having a "consensus" before approving action. Sounds great, as long as you live in a dream world where people agree on everything.  They turned away one of the Left's most respected and highly accomplished proponents, because having him speak would mean that he's "better than them". Now I could go on for days about how ludacris that idea is, but let me start by pointing out that it makes education, which according to OWS is a "human right", impossible. If it makes one man better than any other to speak to the group, how do we learn from one another? That group may have learned a lot from the Representative.  In no way does that make him better than they are,  he just has more experience and knowledge on how to enact change, and could use that experience and knowledge to teach Occupy Atlanta. So now no one can teach a group of other people, and we can't learn from those with more experience and knowledge. Unless its a 1v1 discussion?  Back to the original point, there is no way in hell, earth, or heaven, that any large number of people, such as a society, will completely agree with any idea of significance.  That's why the Occupy movement is criticized and lacks serious credibility: they refuse to form demands because everyone must agree, but everyone has different demands and ideas on how to meet them. If you can't get a group of Marxists, who agree with the basic idea, Marxism, to agree to allow one of their own heroes to speak to them, what the hell will they be able to agree on? and if they ever came into power what do they think will happen once you get independents, conservatives, and the TEA PARTY INVOLVED. Which brings me to my next point:

2. Their insistence on complete, unconditional "equality".  The video clearly shows what a load of bullshit that is. First, their "equality" leads straight into a fatal case of groupthink.  Our founding fathers created the Senate to protect the country against exactly this outcome, but they called it the "whims of the masses".  Groups can egg each other on, encourage and justify actions as a group that they would NEVER do as an individual.  For example, skinny dipping.  How many times in high school have guys tried their balls off to get a girl naked and been staunchly denied, only to see her at a party get naked in front of everyone to go skinny dipping, just cuz all her friends were doing it? Or were you afraid to raise your hand in a group setting, until someone else did?  This is where the idea of violent mob's come from, because people wouldn't kill on their own, but if others encourage and do it this justifies the individuals willingness. That's how we go from very near consensus on allowing the Rep. to speak to split down the middle. Everyone's for it, even those who aren't really and only agree because the groups approves, until one guy makes a very weak argument against it and its back and forth from there.  Its sad in this example, but in reality what ends up happening is a leader emerges, in this case the initial "block" kid, and leads the group into doing what he wants. Anyone ever hear of Stalin or Lenin? Marxists started off benevolent enough, but then the "Vanguard Party" and eventually those nuts started leading the "socialist revolution", until they got to power and didn't need the "workers", at which point they killed everybody.  Think I'm wrong? Watch what happens to the guy in the video who disagrees and tries to apologize, the group, lead buy mr. microphone, cut him off by yelling "mic check" loud enough to drown him out.  Stalin made it obvious, and now Occupy Atlanta just reaffirmed it. In Marxism, you're only "equal" as long as you agree with those in power. Don't believe me? There's 55 million Soviets who are dead because they didn't believe it either.  There's also one disillusioned protester, an annoyed U.S. Representative, and thousands of people who watched that video who do agree.

There are a billion other reasons why Marxism is good in theory, horrible in reality, but it would take too long.  These two are bad enough, and I have the luxury of having a prime example of their truth on video. I agree with many of the demands of the Occupy movement and sympathize with the people who honestly want to fix the system and move on or were fuck'd by it, but the Marxism of the event isn't lost on me. I'd warn people to be careful of the Marxism of the movement, but its too obvious, and its only a matter of time before more people point out its glaring faults. I'm convinced that the media, from msnbc to fox news, puts the dumbest protesters on TV and ignores the smart ones to discredit the movement.  At least I hope they do. I'll share why this weekend.

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